

Roundup . . . While
our group was small, we sure had fun at this year's Roadster
Roundup, hosted at Pismo Beach by the LA Roadsters over the
weekend of September 10-13th.! The weekend began with a few of the
guys and their wives meeting at Joe Scanlin's Ventura Beach
Retreat for breakfast on Friday morning. Joe and Laurie
hosted . . click
photo for story & pics

California Roadsters (CRs) kicked off the roadster crusin
year (May 14-17) by making our annual journey to San
Luis Obispo (SLO), which is affectionately called the SLO Run.
The weather was perfect as the two roadster groups headed
north from LA/OC Counties to the first rendezvous
destination, being a lunch date at the Beach Village on a
bluff overlooking . . . . click
photo for story & pics

Nationals, Del Mar, CA . . . The ninth annual Goodguys
Nationals held over the weekend of April 3-5 at the
Del Mar Fairgrounds, honored California Roadsters' member
and street rod pioneer Jerry Kugel as their hot rod hero.
Jerry and his family were prominently located in the center of the
show at the clock tower on the main boulevard. Jerry had several
of . . click
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