
Roadsters (VRs) hosted
the 43rd Roadster Roundup (RR) within Visalia, CA over the
weekend of 18th - 21st, September, 2008. This puts
another RR into the books, and represents the seventh
time that California Roadsters (CRs) has been an
invitee. According to reports from those CRs in
attendance, this may have been the best RR . . . click
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brother John and I are no longer salt virgins, having
returned last nite from our first trip to Bonneville SpeedWeek
to celebrate SCTA's 60th Anniversary and to cheer on three California
Roadsters member's racing teams participation. Other
CR members in attendance were Jerry Kugel, Duane McKinney, Don
Prieto, Dr. Mark Van Buskirk, Chet Norris . . .
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kick off of the Summer crusin season for the California
Roadsters (CR) is always our May run up Highway 1 to the
beautiful Central Coast, to meet our roadster buddies from the
San Luis Obispo
(SLR) and Bay Area
Roadster (BAR) clubs. Our good friend Sherm Porter,
SLR, volunteered again to plan this long weekend. Well,
not only did Sherm . .
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Dick Roseberry volunteered
to put together a
single-day run for the CR’s as a tune up for our annual
May run to SLO.
Sunday, May 4, 2008, was chosen for a run to
the Palm Springs
Air Museum, home to about 50 vintage WWII war birds,
including a Corsair, Hellcat, Bear Cat, B-17 Flying
Fortress Bomber, P-51, Spitfire and others.
Dick led a group . .
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