Well, the 2016 joint run to the Central Coast,
with BAR over the Memorial Day weekend was another success.
Starting with near perfect
weather, except for the Sunday morning run home which brought a low cloud cover and
a wet ride.
We delayed our departure from Costa Mesa and Brea until 10AM,
to try and avoid some of the traffic through L.A. The northern group took a short cut
from I-5 up to Magic Mountain, and then back through Filmore to the coast, which turned
out to be a scenic route, but delayed their arrival for lunch.
We rendezvous for lunch at the Padero Beach Cafe, with prospective
members Tom and Bridget King joining us. This is one of our favorite spots on a bluff
overlooking the Pacific, and has pretty good burgers. After lunch, we gassed up and
took off for the balance of day's run up the coast, which is about 2.5 hour drive
northerly along Highway 101. Arriving at the Peachtree Inn, seems like coming home,
since we've been making this trip since the early 1990's. The first order of business
was checking in, but our President Tom Schauppner had already arranged with the manager
for individual room assignments, with keys in the room.
Welcome Thursday is always informal, getting to see old BAR friends
again after a long winter of non-events. Most of the couples took the trolley downtown
to take in their weekly street fair, with a wide array of street food and proliferation
of bars and restaurants serving great BBQ.
Friday was our first organized roadster run, and
we had prearranged for a patio buffet lunch at Cambria Pines Lodge. After lunch, it
was open for touring or tasting room visits to the wide array of local wineries. Our
world famous deck party was hosted back at The Peachtree, followed by an excellent
Mexican dinner that night.
Saturday morning, we had our second roadster run planned, but this time we went inland to the Estrella Air Museum for an update on their
expanded facility and a catered spaghetti lunch. After lunch, we went down
the road to the Antique Aero facility, where Tom had arranged for Mike Christensen,
an expert photog member of BAR, to take individual pics of each member/roadster
in front of a classic 1928 Stearman. Again, the afternoon was free for exploring
and sightseeing trips into Paso Robles.
Back at the Peachtree Inn, the deck bar opened at
4 PM ,
with Jon Kennedy having
restocked the bar from the previously night's party. Again, we had a
nice catered dinner, with tonight's fare being a tri-tip and chicken
BBQ, from Rib Line BBQ, which was also excellent. We also added a DJ
playing some oldies but goodies, and a little dancing after dinner,
which the ladies really enjoyed.
Sunday morning came all too
soon, with roadsters heading out north/south after breakfast,
until we all join up again at the LA Roadster Show on Father's Day. We
have been meeting the BAR for the past ten years, as a thank you for
sponsoring us at the annual Roadster Roundup. This is the first run of
our roadster season, and is our club's favorite run of the year.