Another successful and very
pleasurable joint roadster run with our friends in BAR.
This was the second year in a row that the CRs, lead by Pres.
Tom, have planned and executed our joint SLO run over Memorial Day
(May 21-23, 2015) weekend. They are busy throughout the year planning
monthly runs, so CR has volunteered to take responsibility for this
annual event.
May is a very busy month in the Central Coast,
starting with the SLO Roadsters having their own show/run earlier in
the month attending by several of the BAR members, and our very own
Jim, Phill, Dick, Dennis, Greg and Jeff. We moved our run to later
part of the month, so not to conflict with the SLO guys.
Pres. Tom, along with Max, Steve, Paul, Dick and Mark duplicated what
has worked in prior runs,
namely reserving all of the Peach Tree Inn, arranged for catered
meals, planned out two runs for Friday and Saturday, and of course
gave Bajajon an unlimited budget for our famous deck party, that was
open every day from 4 PM on. We had about 80 people in attendance,
split evenly between CR and BAR. Our club rolled in Thursday
afternoon, and after Bajajon got the bar opened, we decided to stay in
and order pizza for dinner.
The next morning (Friday) we kicked off the first of our planned runs,
with Max and Steve leading us on a back road trip to the more remote
The Hitching Post southerly in Guadalupe, for lunch. We have been here
before, for a nice BBQ dinner, during a prior RR in Santa Maria. Tom
knows the owner, so he was willing to put on a BBQ buffet lunch for us
in their rear patio, with free time after lunch for exploring. Folks
this is a one horse town, and to see over forty roadsters lining the
their main street, is quite a sight. That night after our world famous
deck party, back at The Peach Tree Inn, we had a very enjoyable
catered Mexican dinner
Saturday morning (May 23rd) Max and Steve again planned
another road trip, but this time is
it was northerly along Highway 1, for a buffet lunch date at the
Cambria Pines Inn. Free time after lunch for shopping in Cambria, or
exploring the coast, wineries, etc. Again the deck opened about 4 PM,
with dinner at about 6 PM being a very good tri-tip BBQ buffet (can't
get enough BBQ when you're in the Central Coast) with DJ
entertainment. We've added the DJ for the last couple of years with
some of our favorite rock and roll tunes during dinner, and a little
dancing music after, which everyone seems to enjoy.
As always, Sunday came too soon,
with roadsters cranking up early, and leaving on solo and/or group
runs both north and south along Highway 1, to meet up again in
September for the 50th RR in nearby Pismo Beach. Tom has already
planned next year's run, and he says it will be a good one.