Run 2007
by Mark Byer
The California
Roadsters were honored to be invited to the 2007
Gathering, an inaugural event hosted by the San
Luis Roadsters, held in SLO from May 18-20. This
was the 15th year our club has made the run to SLO and it
was the consensus that it was one of the best ever,
replacing the former static car show in the park with a
well planned run. Dick Roseberry used the word
"Outstanding", with very little room for
improvement. This was the first year of the new
format, after not offering an event last year; which
didn't keep us from getting together last year with the Bay
Area Roadsters and enjoying a very good weekend organized
by Steve Moal (check out "2006
The 2007 Gathering
was a year of first for the CR's. It
was the first time we stopped at Joe and Laurie Scanlin's
Ventura beach house for lunch on the way up to SLO on
Thursday; first run having more members (23) than any
other roadster club including the LA Boys; first run for
Steve Kelly and for our newest roadster members (Jeff
Bates, Ken Thurm, Jim St. Martin and Greg Rawls); first
time having our very own LA County Sheriff's Swat Team
member (Bernie's son-in-law Mike) riding shotgun; first
time visiting Windfall Farms, the largest
thoroughbred horse ranch west of Kentucky; first time
stopping golf play at Avila Beach golf club to eat a
little lunch; first time in a long time having Pres.
Tom and Sue Schauppner back in their beautifully reconfigured/painted
'32 roadster (ala Tony Correia, the celebrity painter);
first time buying our roadster buddies from SLO and BAR a
thank you dinner and first time having better weather in
SLO than at home.
We always go up
a day early to take in the Thursday night farmer's market
in downtown SLO. We used the two prong approach
again this year, with a group from So. OC meeting at Don
and Patty Prieto's shop in Torrance, including: Tom and
Susan Schauppner, Chet and Ruby Norris, Jeff and Judi
Bates, Jim and Ann St. Martin, Mark Byer hauling Terry
Terrel and Greg Rawls who met up with his girlfriend
Marcia in SLO. We were met at Don's by Bernie Couch
and his son-in-law Mike and Steve Kelly.
from the northern OC route included: Dick and Barbara
Roseberry, Tony and Karin Correia, Mike and Collen Greene,
Jerry and Judy Kugel, Ken and Tina Thurm, Ralph and Mary
Suchy, Duane McKinney, Hank Adams and Ray Wilcox.
Phill Whetstone and his driver Keith just managed to make
lunch at Joe and Laurie Scanlin's beach house in Ventura,
which was a first we would like to make a regular event.
Max and Sue Jamiesson came down from Carmel Valley and
meet the ensembled group at the Peachtree Thursday
only disappointments were losing our club caterers, Jon
and Midge Kennedy - off racing the Peking to Paris
Rally and Gary Herman who planned to make his first ever
SLO run in his recently completed roadster, but made the
mistake of going with an Art Carr tranny, which
failed and is no surprise since I lost mine several years
prior on the RR run to Fremont.
The only planned
events by SLO Roadsters for the long
weekend, were a welcome pizza party on Friday night; a
lunch on the golf course @ Avila Beach Golf Club on Friday
and the run to Windfall Farms, Paso Robles on
Now the golf course lunch was great, but the run through the
countryside to the largest thoroughbred (726 acres) horse (over
400) ranch west of Kentucky. We were treated to a grand
tour of the mammoth facility by the Davis Family, with a catered
BBQ lunch and of course we had to include a short wine tour
We thanked the SLO
Roadsters for inviting us and the BAR
group for last year's event, by inviting them to a nice dinner on
Saturday night at the Quarterdeck. We also want thank Jim
and Ann St. Martin for taking over the deck catering duties, which
is always a great way to unwind after the hard work of touring the
Central Coast countryside in an open roadster. So we're into the
summer run season, with the LA Roadsters Father's
Day coming up and planning for the Roadster
Roundup to be hosted by San Jose Roadsters
in San Maria this September.
