Pasadena Reliability Run  10/15/05      by Mark Byer

            California Roadsters members Dr. Mark Van Buskirk, Don Prieto, Bernie Couch and Mark Morton participated recently in the Pasadena Reliability Run.  Originated in 1947, this run is a remake of the original and actually had five of the original participating cars and two of the original drivers.   

            Dr. Mark Van Buskirk, owner of The Khougaz Roadster that finished third in '49, and his co-driver/navigator Don Prieto won this year's event and took the 1st Place elapsed time trophy in the restored roadster. 

            Don Raible finished second in the original run, only a few points behind The Doane Spencer Roadster, which won the first run and has been restored by Bruce Meyer/SoCalSpeedShop.   

            There were 85 roadsters in attendance and a good time was had by all. Congratulations are extended to Dr. Mark, Don, Morty and Bernie for holding up the good name of the California Roadsters.